Have you ever done a health check in a hospital? A few months ago, I went to the hospital for my health check, and it was also my first time doing a DNA test, also known as genetic testing. This test requires a sample of your blood, and the results come out two months later.
Time goes by so fast; I came back from Hong Kong last night, and it feels great after this trip. I wish I could travel more since I haven't traveled for years. Everything is so fresh and exciting.
My mom and I used to visit the jewelry trade show every September in Hong Kong. The last time we visited was three years ago. Everyone says Hong Kong has changed, and yes, it has changed. According to my observation, the most significant change in Hong Kong is the people, not the environment. Previously, Hong Kong had the worst reputation for service, but now it's different; people are friendlier. It might be because there are fewer travelers compared to years ago.
I’m going to Hong Kong for a business trip tomorrow. I have not traveling for around three years. A few people have told me that Hong Kong has changed a lot after the pandemic. I hope it’s not as crowded as usual.
Recently, I have been reading an investment book that includes a few tips I really like. The author has his own philosophy of investment in a spiritual way. He suggests we make a wish and try to calculate self-cultivation of the mind. Most importantly, he emphasizes being motivated by altruism to give to charity. Altruistic spirituality is an essential motivation in investment.
Recently I have been joining a few English language exchange activities, I tried to keep myself busy, this might be the way to escape heartbreak and negative emotions. Also, I’ve been watching lots of stand-up comedic reels on YouTube, I’m crazy about it, especially I love watching Uncle Roger’s channel, I’m also listening to his podcast, comedic actor Jimmy O Yang is really funny too. I’m enjoying they make those cultural jocks, make me laugh, I also write a comedic speech, it was a scenario that happened in a language exchange. English is my second language, and the best way to interpret properly is to think in English culture. By the way, I think Trevor Noah plays really well with the culture mimic. One of his shows on Netflix has talked about language accents and discrimination, he acted perfectly. There is more, the British rock star Russell Brand's stand-up is also brilliant. He is like a 1960’s hippie living in 2023. Always talking about some spiritual or consciousness philosophy. His contents its pretty mind-blowing, and also give me some inspiration about spiritual stuffed. I have joined an organization called Toastmasters, so I have to prepare a speech. I have written a few contents too……. Here is one of the speeches below…..
I love my big toes
法蘭西斯·培根 Francis Bacon1909年10月28日-1992年4月28日,生於英國英格蘭的畫家,為同名的英國哲學家後代,培根的畫給人有種陰暗、犀利、強烈、詭譎、憂鬱的印象。他本身是家中第二小孩,也是位同性戀,在他出生的年代英國對性向還是趨於非常保守的年代,同性戀行為是會坐牢的,再加上他的父親對他特別的嚴格,各種不愉快的童年,讓他個性更加陰沉,有種憂鬱的氣質。
雖然這是2014年的影片,但是珠寶藝術完全不受時空限制,尤其是古董珠寶的設計更是不得了,我很喜歡ART DECO時期的設計,幾何圖形的排列更顯個性。