那要怎麼改變別人對我們看法,和改善不利於自己的情況,最快的方式是,我們可以通過改變對自己自身的態度,以及對自己的看法,我們能改成正面的看法,認可自己,來轉換自我毀滅性的信念模式。因此,我們對待別人的方式,和我們對自己的看法,對我們的人生際遇 ,有著巨大的影響力。
我整理的好方法是:先感激 - 我們的信念 - 我們的行動 - 吸引力 – 顯化。
Wishing you all the best for 2024!
Lately, I've been watching videos about the Self-fulfilling prophecy, which is similar to the Pygmalion effect(Butterfly effect)or metaphysical. It’s intriguing how our beliefs and shape others' behavior. Research indicates that people can read expectations off you even can read non-verbal way though our body language, it can also influence others behavior. The Pygmalion Effect, where higher expectations lead to higher performance, is evident in how managers' expectations of subordinates largely determine their performance and career progress.
It's crucial to change self-destructive patterns (self- sabotage) by altering our attitude, being able to validate yourself. How we react, how we treat people, and how we think about ourselves profoundly impact our lives.
I've developing faith about the concept of "Manifest." It suggests that we attract everything into our lives based on the images we hold in our minds—our thoughts and beliefs. Manifesting involves having a clear vision and experiencing a strong sense of already owning or having something, along with with positive feelings. Your imagination and feelings are neutral; anticipating negative outcomes can also attract them. In my experience, be confidence, a sense of receiving, abundance, prosperity, and enjoyment are key components to attracting positive results in your life. I’ve set a self-fulfilling prophecy image as my phone wallpaper to remind myself the power of positive feelings.
Life is short, and our time is limited. Engage in activities you truly love; we are passionate about. bringing a sense of achievement. Entering a state of flow, where you are fully immersed in an activity, creates positive attraction. One of my favorite movies “Soul”also delivers the Message of “Flow “
And“Gratitude “is another essential point. Being grateful and surrounded by love is vital to attract positive things into your life.
I'm writing this down to remind myself of the Law of Attraction and to share this message.
For sure, we must work on self-improvement, we naturally gravitate towards people with similar vibes. Be aware of the company you keep, as friends can have a profound impact on us, Because the environment that we create around us is simply a reflection.
Here is my law of polarity: Gratitude - Our Belief - Our Action - Law of Attraction - Manifest.
Here is video reference-
【震撼】吸引力法則究竟怎麼吸 | 老高與小茉 Mr & Mrs Gao
A Self-fulfilling Prophecy | Robert Greene on Self Destructive Pattern
HOW TO HAVE A MAGNETIC AURA ✨ attract the attention you want